
If you glance casually at this first photo, the summit on the left (the closer one) appears higher and larger than the ones on the right. In reality, Big Baldy is only 8750' in elevation, while the Timpanogos ridge behind reaches exactly 3000' higher! An important difference occurs as we step back and are able to see things from a distance. See the second photo, taken from the car driving up University Avenue towards Provo Canyon. It's much easier to see the relative sizes of Baldy on the left, and Timp on the right. And in fact the third photo is taken from the top of Baldy, the peak that looked so large in the first photo. Granted, there are plenty of clues in the first photo about the true relationship between the peaks. The amount of snow behind, for those familiar with how that works, indicates the foreground is a much lower elevation. Anyone who understands perspective in art and reality would never be fooled. Also, anyone who has climbed the mountains would instan...