National Parks
Every time I am privileged to spend time in a National Park, I wonder at the incredible gift they are to us all. Many of them are remarkably unique in all the world, as is this one - Joshua Tree NP. The biological treasure preserved here is so wonderful, nestled in a setting of geographic features that would be fascinating and visit-worthy by themselves.
The 5 parks in the southern part of my home state, Utah, are somewhat similar but yet incredibly un-similar. I love each one!
Yellowstone was the first national park in the USA, designated in 1872 by President Ulysses S. Grant. We now have 63 parks in our country, preserving 2.19% of the country's land as a permanent national treasure. Additional area is protected as national monuments and other classifications. The concept of a national park has spread throughout the world.
American Pulitzer Prize-winning author Wallace Stegner wrote: "National parks are the best idea we ever had. Absolutely American, absolutely democratic, they reflect us at our best rather than our worst."
I #GiveThanks for this remarkable gift and hope to explore many more sites in the coming years! I am also grateful that as a "senior" I was allowed to purchase a pass that will admit me into any of the parks for the rest of my life! 

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