Growing from the cracks

I am always fascinated to see a plant growing in a crack in a big rock, such as these examples from Joshua Tree NP. In other places I've seen large, mature trees squeezing from such a setting- widening the crack, forcing heavy stones apart as they grow. It's always amazing to imagine where the roots to such plants might possibly be, and how they manage to get the nourishment they need.
I imagine such a small crack in the rock, initially having a little dust blown in by the wind, which gradually accumulates. At some point, the wind brings a small light seed - or a bird makes a "deposit" of something it ate. With a little moisture and warmth, the conditions for germination are achieved and the seed sprouts.
Certainly these are not ideal growing conditions. But the seed really doesn't have much choice. It really has only one chance at life, so it makes the best of its situation, and grows as much and as fully as it can. Often it sends roots along the length of the crack, probing for addititional soil, nourishment, and moisture.
None of has the option to choose where we are "planted" in this world. Some land in rich and fertile soil; some end up in a crack in a rock. Fortunately, unlike the seeds, we humans have some ability to change our situation through our choices and actions. But for the times in life when we are stuck in the crack, we just have to try to make the best of it, to grow to the best of our ability.
I #GiveThanks for the lessons of nature. At the times when I've been symbolically stuck in a small, tight place, I've been grateful for the reminder of just doing the best I can, and trying to get the most growth possible.


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