Gratitude in spite of challenges

As we end the year, I want to #GiveThanks for 2020. Wait, what? This terrible year with all its problems and challenges - the impact of pandemic disease, racism-provoked rioting, political conflict, etc. etc.? Yes, 2020, that's the one. I think there is much to be thankful for *because* of the problems of the year. Perhaps the extremities have given us a new perspective. Take a minute to think about what you've learned, how you've changed in good ways, or what perhaps you now have to truly be grateful for. I hope you find many things to acknowledge. Here are just a few from my list. - Gratitude for health, life, and ongoing chances. Those of us who have lost any close to us to the disease, or who have brushed up against its impacts personally, have been reminded how precious each day is. Life is a gift! Every single moment of it! And we can very easily lose that gift. - Love for family. I've had the unique opportunity to live with part of my family, with our son and his...