Decaying trees


These photos were all taken during a hike today in the Uintas - four different trees in various stages of their post-life journey. I love observing nature "at work" as I hike, and this is a fascinating component of the cycle of life.
A fallen tree gradually decomposes and decays, acting as host for a variety of organisms (insects, fungi, bacteria, etc.) over time, and eventually returning crucial nutrients to the soil. This process takes many years, often decades, depending on the kind of wood and the environmental conditions where the tree falls.
In essence, the forest is self-nourishing through this process (and other related ones). No one needs to add artificial fertilizer to keep a forest growing strong; in normal situations, it just needs to be left alone, and it will continue to thrive. (Sometimes fires participate in this process as well, but that's another topic.)
I #GiveThanks for the amazing creation we observe as we immerse ourselves in nature. "Mother Nature" will never cease to fascinate me!


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