Campfire parable: strength in unity!

"Pops, what happened?"
"What do you mean, Daxton?"
"Well, the fire was pretty much burned out just a minute ago. Now it's burning fast again! Are you magic?"
"Yes, I am! You knew that already, right son?"
"No really - what happened?"
"Well, remember how the logs were all spread out while we were cooking marshmallows, with hot coals in the middle?"
"Yea... and then it kinda all died."
"Well, when we were done with the marshmallows, I took a stick and gathered all the parts of the burnt wood and the coals that were around the pit into one place, turned them over so the parts that were less burned were in the middle - and then together, they had enough heat and fuel to burn strong again!"
"Wow Pops, that is kind of magic!"
"Yes, I suppose it is. But you know what - people are just like the logs of the fire."
"What do you mean?"
"Sometimes if we get too spread out and far from each other, either being unable to get together, or by not talking and communicating enough, we can all get cold and weak. We kind of felt that during the pandemic - way too spread out. Now we are all eager to get back in contact with each other, maybe turn a few things around so our best parts are showing, and get those fires burning strong again!"
"Pops, you are weird sometimes."
"Yeah, I know bud. But here, wanna see some more magic?"
"That fire is still doing pretty well, but we need to put it out and get ready for bed. What do you think will happen if I take my stick and spread it all out again?"
"Hmm - probably die again pretty quick?"
"Exactly - much faster than if it stays close together!"
"I get it, Pops. Thanks for the s'mores anyway."
"You're welcome, bud. Hey, you know what? I sure #GiveThanks for you being one of the logs that keeps me burning strong."
"There's that weird again Pops."
"I love you Daxton."
"Love you too."


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