Wrong way warnings


This is what happens when I let Bonnie take the lead on hikes....
Actually, in this photo, we are walking a short section of hikers' trail next to a road leading to an overflow parking area for a trailhead. The sign is for the cars, not the hikers!
It's nice to have frequent indicators to help us find our way in the world. For the cars, this kind of very bold, visible traffic direction is so helpful. As long as we are paying attention, we can avoid getting into trouble - at least in this matter.
And there are countless similar examples in all kinds of areas - food labels, hazardous chemicals, dangerous machinery, medicines, entertainment, even hiking trails.
And then we have more abstract warnings related to choices and consequences in our lives. Those with more experience or insight can point out to us areas of risk or danger, consequences we may not readily see ourselves. Those directions and warnings, if we listen and heed, can protect us from many problems that could impact our safety or happiness.
I #GiveThanks for the many signs of warning and direction in all aspects of my life that help to keep me safe and happy!


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