Lesson of simplicity from dogs


I hope this little graphic resonates with you like it does with me.
We humans are complicated creatures, compared to our dogs. We have so many things that worry and concern us in our lives, so many challenges and issues, frustrations and disappointments, responsibilities and expectations. Those are hard things to carry in our minds and hearts.
We also have plenty of successes and joys, pleasures and accomplishments. But for many of us, the negative things seem to weigh more heavily and dominate - they push the positive ones into the background, forcing us to miss out on many good things. There are occasionally times when each of us feels that in ways we seem unable to control.
Our lucky pets, on the other hand, don't feel the weight of those concerns. In their simple lives, they just live in the present and enjoy the moment.
We can learn an important lesson. There is a great "cleansing" that comes to our mind when we force ourselves, periodically, to put all the "heavy stuff" into the background and live like a dog! For me, and for many others, the opportunity to immerse into nature helps me to do that. When I am in a place of natural beauty, it's much easier to clear my mind and just feel joy. Others may find the relief in music, or in recreation, or exercise, or in service to others. Having put the burden down for a time, we often find it lighter when we pick it back up - or we find ourselves better able to carry it.
I #GiveThanks for my dog, for the lessons of the simple life, and for the power of putting life's challenges into perspective.


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