Learning to read: pace and intensity

I read a book this afternoon with my 6-year-old grandson. It's fascinating to watch the development of language abilities in children. I don't remember learning to read myself; but there are some strong parallels to learning a foreign language, and to other kinds of learning in life.

First of all, the text in the book was extremely basic. The word choice uses short, monosyllabic words; the development of the story line follows simplified plots. No native or experienced speaker would ever talk like this. Even young children quickly pass this in their oral communication. HOWEVER - when I try to write or converse in a language I'm not very familiar with, I find myself doing the very same thing. I have a limited, basic vocabulary, and so I try to use only those familiar words to get my message across. I even sometimes change a storyline because it doesn't fit my simple vocabulary.
When my grandson read the story, he had to proceed slowly and carefully, sounding out many of the words. I discovered that he was focusing so much on the pronunciation, that he ended up struggling with comprehension - he wasn't understanding or remembering all that he was reading, even when he could figure out the words.
On the other hand, when it was my turn to read, I found myself breezing through the paragraph, easily recognizing and pronouncing all the words, and not really paying attention to the meaning either - and I missed some details when we tried to discuss the meaning!
I sometimes listen to audiobooks, and have found that I can speed up the playback (the technology adjusts the tone so it doesn't sound like chipmunks). Sometimes I can listen to a story 1.5 or even 2 times the normal speed, and still understand what is being said. But at that speed, I have to try much harder to concentrate on what is said. If the book is more than a simple story, the faster speed leaves much less time to consider the meaning or implication of the words. I have to find the right balance, depending on the type of material, between speed (saving time) and understanding (analyzing, applying).
Pace and intensity are elements of life to ponder. Are we moving quickly enough to maximize the use of our time and opportunities? Are we moving slowly enough to have time to ponder, analyze, find relationships and applications?
I #GiveThanks for the blessing of gradual learning, for reminders from children, and for the chance to consciously consider the pace and activities of life!


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