Blocking the sunlight

When we finished our current home, we were able to take advantage of some federal tax incentives and other benefits to install solar panels. It has proved to be a very worthwhile investment for us, almost completely covering our electric bills each year.
However, we quickly learned a fact that should be pretty obvious: the panels don't generate power when the sunlight isn't actually shining on them! Clouds lower the production dramatically (a little bit of light still gets through); but snow on the panels cuts it to zero. If I wait long enough, the snow will melt and they will start functioning again. But meanwhile I will have lost the benefit of hours or days of generating electricity. So with a little research, I found a tool (a "snow rake") that allows me to removes the snow without damaging the panels. As soon as the snow lets up, I can clear the panels and restore the power generation quickly.
Sometimes we have things blocking our productivity. We're hampered by weights, concerns, or obstructions. Sometimes we allow things to come between ourselves and the source of our power or energy. This principle applies to productivity on our jobs, to our relationships, and especially to our spiritual life. The sooner we clear the impediments and "let the sun shine in," the better we'll be.
I #GiveThanks for the this important, earth-friendly technology, and for the reminder it provides to make sure my "power sources" are unobstructed and accessible.


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