Napping in public


As I get older, a good snooze now and then is a joy and a blessing. I seem to want to enjoy that blessing more frequently! Not a thing wrong with that, especially in the circumstance shown in the first photo (thanks Matthew for the photo)....
As I was in a meeting earlier today, watching those seated in front, I had some flashbacks that involved others, and perhaps myself, who struggled with the particular challenge of staying awake in that setting. I remember thinking in the past, "How rude - not a very good example for a leader to doze off in front of everyone." But later I learned how hard it can be to remain alert, when very early morning meetings and a demanding schedule can wear on your ability to endure. I guess I had to "be there" to fully appreciate the struggle.
Years ago I remember reading a delightful essay by BYU English professor Richard Cracroft titled "On the Vicissitudes of Serving in the Bishopric" (such a memorable title!) in which he discussed staying awake on the stand as one of the greatest challenges of our voluntary service. At times, it's not an easy task! And it can also apply in professional situations.
So now, when I see someone dozing, instead of thinking "How rude!", I am led to #GiveThanks that the person is willing to voluntarily sacrifice personal time, including sleep time, on behalf of those who benefit from the service.
It's interesting how often we "jump to conclusions" when we see things going on around us. It's so very easy to accept the first explanation that pops into our minds. A good skill to develop is to ask the question, "What ELSE might be the reason?" We become much more kind and understanding, and much less judgemental, when we develop that skill to ponder that question immediately. And it applies to SO MANY aspects of our interactions!


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