Intrusions into solitude



The first photo shows a nice peaceful landscape in Sedona, but it also shows a big annoyance. Can you see it? How about in the second photo, zoomed in a bit?

It's a helicopter. When you're hiking in a place that is kind of touristy, sometimes your personal peaceful "wandering in the wilderness" is interrupted by noisy choppers that are usually tourist sightseeing flights. In this case, it wasn't terribly close; but the loud noise was still very invasive for about 60 seconds. I had just been thinking how quiet it was and all I could hear was a birdsong, when the mechanical throb invaded, softly at first then noisier, impossible to ignore.

I should confess that I have occasionally been the tourist in the chopper - I recall doing that once in Hawaii and once at Foz de Iguaçu in Brazil. So I can't really complain about the validity or appropriateness of that business model! But as usual, there's an analogy that is illustrative.

I love the chance for quiet meditation when I am outdoors and "away from the world." That's one of the big reasons I love to hike and explore. I believe we all benefit more than we know from "quiet time" to just reflect and ponder - whether outdoors or in some other private setting. But we have to guard against intrusions that can disrupt the peace we otherwise feel. Those interruptions are not always just audible; they can also be from electronic means, or anything that distracts us from our peaceful flow. As we learn to minimize intrusions, we benefit more and more from meditation and solitude.

I #GiveThanks for the blessing of stillness, quiet, and meditation. And personally, for the chances I find "in nature" to achieve those experiences!


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