Pure clean water


When I was hiking earlier today beside a "babbling brook" making its way down from the mountains, enjoying the soothing sounds and noticing how the surrounding area was nourished, I was reminded of this quote and had to come home and look it up.
"It is difficult to find anything more healthy to drink than good cold water, such as flows down to us from springs and snows of our mountains. This is the beverage we should drink. It should be our drink at all times."
- Brigham Young, Aug 17 1867, JD 12:122
In the 1860s, the other things that concerned Brother Brigham in his remarks were "tea, coffee, spirituous liquors" - there were not many other beverages available back then. But I pondered his wisdom, and realized there is merit in his words even today, when we have scores of options of sodas, juices, and many liquids with a variety of artificial additives to choose among. Is there REALLY anything better than cool, pure, clear water??
I do love to find safe sources of "good cold water" when I am in the mountains - at a spring or other reliable trustworthy source. Unfortunately we have to be careful about giardia and other contaminations in the water; the results of infection can be serious. In drinking water, and in many other things, it's so important that we be aware of the source of what comes to us. We can't assume because it initially looks good or sounds good, it's safe and wholesome - and that clearly applies to both things we drink and things we learn.
I #GiveThanks for pure, living water - so necessary for the good life!


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